Sunday, April 18, 2010

Change of Mind: Kant

Kant is a rationalist whose beliefs are rooted in duty, specifically the categorical imperative, a single, intrinsically valid moral law. My religious beliefs have been modified in light of a new rationalist perspective. It is true that we know what we can perceive, i.e., smell, see, taste. Major modern philosophies make several assumptions, axioms, etc., that build upon what we perceive. For example, many Christian tenets are rooted in what we would consider "good" behavior, such as love and peace. However, other tenets, such as the Trinity or the Holy Spirit, are based on faith and are not necessarily perceivable.

Carry It Forward: Wade Davis (presentation)

Wade Davis, author of literary works, presentations, and other media detailing world cultures, seeks to describe the plight of indigenous and ancient peoples, or "primitive cultures," to preserve their way of life and combat pressure to conform and/or dissolve due to industrialization. While industrialization has improved the manufacture of goods and overall quality of life, it has created a way of life common to modern nations and not necessarily the ideal or best worldview/culture. It is important for especially the next generation, who will grow and develop during a time when nearly, according to Davis, half of the world's languages will disappear, to understand the values and rituals of today's primitive cultures, especially those that run contrary to our own and those perceived to be virtuous and increasingly absent from our society, such as the notion of marriage, celibacy, and virginity.

I will work towards educating my children, friends, and family about the incredible significance of understanding other cultures, or "ways of life," as an immediate precursor to eradicate unfair prejudices and violence against such peoples. Hitler's crusade against the Jews, in particular, showed the hallmark signs of brutal marginalization closely associated with racism: the government's wanton legal confinement of Jews, the dissemination of hatred against Jews, and the government's voracious pursuit of Jews. Perhaps I can help stir a peaceful intifada against sectarian war and violence within my neighborhood.

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